All I really want to do is, baby, be friends with you...
Testade min nystmaskin idag med Evilla ullgarnet. Jag hatar att nysta entrådigt ullgarn. Det är hemskt, hemskt, hemskt. Svär högt varje gång jag råkar bryta av garnet. Det enda som gör att jag inte slänger ut allt genom fönstret är Dylan som sjunger i bakgrunden. MEN sedan kom jag på att jag nästan alltid sitter lite under min garnvinda när jag ska nysta mina garner, och det blev likadant med maskinen. Så till slut, efter många svordomar, så satte jag garnvindan på ett lägre bord än nystmaskinen, och det funkade mycket bättre! Sedan kom min pojkvän hem och godkände nystmaskinen. Han har tydligen använt en liknande när han nystade garner till sin väv han gjorde i skolan.

Så här såg det ut innan jag förstod att vindan var för högt upp.
This is before I realized that the yarn winder was way too far up.
Tried out my new ball winder (thanks Sandy for the right word) today with the Evilla wool. I hate winding lace yarn, especially wollen ones. It's just awful, awful, awful. I curse everytime I manage to break off the yarn. The only thing keeping me from throwing the whole thing out of the window is Dylan singing in the background. THEN I realized that I always sit a bit below the yarn winder when winding my yarns, and I fell into that old (bad) habit with my new machine. So, finally, after a lot of cursing, I put the yarn winder on a table below the table I was using for the ball winder, and it worked! Later, my boyfriend came home and approved of my purchase. Apparently he has used a similar ball winder when winding yarns for weaving class at his school.

Så här såg det ut innan jag förstod att vindan var för högt upp.
This is before I realized that the yarn winder was way too far up.
Tried out my new ball winder (thanks Sandy for the right word) today with the Evilla wool. I hate winding lace yarn, especially wollen ones. It's just awful, awful, awful. I curse everytime I manage to break off the yarn. The only thing keeping me from throwing the whole thing out of the window is Dylan singing in the background. THEN I realized that I always sit a bit below the yarn winder when winding my yarns, and I fell into that old (bad) habit with my new machine. So, finally, after a lot of cursing, I put the yarn winder on a table below the table I was using for the ball winder, and it worked! Later, my boyfriend came home and approved of my purchase. Apparently he has used a similar ball winder when winding yarns for weaving class at his school.