Linen shrug
Har fått bolerofeber och vill bara sticka sånna. Ska göra en till i ett skogsgrönt ullgarn snart, men nu blir det i lin. Randigt dessutom :)

I've been bitten by the shrug bug and don't want to knit anything else. I'm going to do another one in a forest green wool yarn soon, but this one I'm knitting right now is linen. And it's stripy too :)

I've been bitten by the shrug bug and don't want to knit anything else. I'm going to do another one in a forest green wool yarn soon, but this one I'm knitting right now is linen. And it's stripy too :)
Postat av: Eva i Falkenberg
Jag tycker mycket om färgkombinationen, hälsar Eva