Linen shrug
Har fått bolerofeber och vill bara sticka sånna. Ska göra en till i ett skogsgrönt ullgarn snart, men nu blir det i lin. Randigt dessutom :)

I've been bitten by the shrug bug and don't want to knit anything else. I'm going to do another one in a forest green wool yarn soon, but this one I'm knitting right now is linen. And it's stripy too :)

I've been bitten by the shrug bug and don't want to knit anything else. I'm going to do another one in a forest green wool yarn soon, but this one I'm knitting right now is linen. And it's stripy too :)
Blossoming flowers
Nu vet jag hur trädgårdsmänniskor känner sig väntandes på att deras med omsorg skötta blommor ska blomma efter en lång vinter. Nu efter jag vet inte hur många varvs slätsticking får jag äntligen börja sticka blommönstret! Har stickat halva blommorna, och det blir så vackert :) Men lång tid tar det på de aviga varven... Jag trodde jag skulle hinna sticka klart den tills en grillning på tisdag, men jag tror det är något optimistiskt. Men till midsommar kanske?

Now I know how garden lovers feel waiting for the flowers to blossom after a long winter. After I don't know how many rows of stockinette I finally get to knit the flower pattern! I've knitted the first half of the pattern, and it's so beautiful! But the purl rows are taking a long time to knit... I thought I would be finished with the shawl before this barbeque on tuesday, but I think that's quite optimistic of me. Midsummer perhaps is a better estimation.

Now I know how garden lovers feel waiting for the flowers to blossom after a long winter. After I don't know how many rows of stockinette I finally get to knit the flower pattern! I've knitted the first half of the pattern, and it's so beautiful! But the purl rows are taking a long time to knit... I thought I would be finished with the shawl before this barbeque on tuesday, but I think that's quite optimistic of me. Midsummer perhaps is a better estimation.
Beställde två vackra stickpåsar från Stickfrossas nya webshop och fick dem idag! Längtar tills det prickiga garnet blir till salu! Är jättenöjd med det jag beställt och färgerna är precis rätt!

Ordered two beautiful knitting bags from Stickfrossa's new web shop and got them delivered today! Can't wait till her dotted yarn is for sale :) I'm really pleased with my order and the colours are perfect.

Ordered two beautiful knitting bags from Stickfrossa's new web shop and got them delivered today! Can't wait till her dotted yarn is for sale :) I'm really pleased with my order and the colours are perfect.
Abbey Road Knitting
Jag hinner ca tre varv av Silky stockinette Haruni under Abbey Road-albumet minus Octopus's Garden. Det är sånt man får reda på när man åker tunnelbana.

Three rows of Silky Stockinette Haruni. That's how much I manage to knit during the Abbey Road album minus Octopus's Garden. That's the kind of knowledge you come across while knitting on the tube.

Three rows of Silky Stockinette Haruni. That's how much I manage to knit during the Abbey Road album minus Octopus's Garden. That's the kind of knowledge you come across while knitting on the tube.